The 3-minute exercise to manage anxiety while under quarantine

Anxiety has the capacity to be both incredibly helpful and harmful. In the event of finding yourself face to face with a cougar, down to the wire on a final project, or gearing up for a big race, anxiety gives us the "juice" to dig deep, focus, and function at a high level. There are consequences of course to these bouts with anxiety, including adrenaline and its counterpart cortisol - which, studies have shown, can be very harmful in high doses. Similarly prolonged states of anxiety can lead to fatigue, GI issues, heart problems, and memory problems. For brief periods of time, this anxiety can be functional and help us overcome challenges.

 Unfortunately, anxiety isn't always helpful. Often the evolutionary anxiety that would help us in the event of a battle against a wild animal is constantly "ON" as we fight internal fears surrounding things that haven't actually happened yet. In fact, I often find that when anxiety is over functioning it leads us to look to the future and build dozens of different possible outcomes, then mount problem solving against them all. This is overwhelming, often unhelpful, and multiplies distress by focusing on situations that do not yet exist!

 The beauty of practicing mindfulness as an anxiety management technique is that it helps us to stay focused on the present moment. Much of our psychological distress exists when we ruminate about the past or catastrophize the future - both are out of our control and are not happening in the present moment. You do not have to hold the distress of the past, present, and future simultaneously - it is too much!

 My favorite quick trick to bring anxiety down to a more manageable level is a grounding technique that engages your senses. This helps take you out of your mind and into the physical space around you. Here you can remind yourself of what is actually happening - relieving your mind of the burden of holding so many possible realities at once. This has been increasingly helpful to folks as they are stuck in self-isolation due to the growing impact of COVID-19 on our world (a veritable powder keg for anxiety and catastrophic thought).

 Before starting, I encourage you to take a few deep, full breaths - holding at the top of the inhale briefly and slowly exhaling. Then I invite you to turn to your senses and work through the following list. Repeat at least once (more if needed):

 *Name 5 things that you see

 *Name 4 things that you physically feel

 *Name 3 things that you hear

 *Name things that you smell

 *Name thing that you taste


 Extra notes: it is normal to still feel your mind racing and to experience internal dialogue (even critiquing the exercise). Allow those thoughts to come and go and continue to focus in on the exercise - the anxious voice will start to subside as you draw more and more attention to the world around you. Also, I encourage you to try to slow down with each item you name, trying to avoid rattling things off as quickly as possible "PILLOW - COUCH - LAMP - CHAIR"; instead try to also include one detail or adjective along with the item "the faded chair" or the "patterned rug". 

If you are interested in more mindfulness activities, I highly recommend checking out meditation apps such as Calm, Simple Habit, and more. If you prefer a hands-on resource I encourage you to check out A Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Workbook by Stahl & Goldstein.