Not all therapists start out knowing they want to be therapists. Some, like ECC Affiliate Therapist Peter Beer, start out in an entirely different field and realize that human relationships are what they want to dedicate their careers to. In his Q&A for our blog today, Peter shares about what led him to therapy and the approaches he finds beneficial in working with clients. And with June being Men’s Mental Health Month, he shares about the most common issue he sees among young men seeking therapy for the first time—loneliness—and how he coaches them through it.
Applying Harm Reduction in Mental Health Therapy
Somatic Experiencing Therapy for Neurodivergent People: Why It Helps
What is Neurodivergent-Affirming Therapy?
5 Tips for Managing Social Anxiety
At one point or another, most people will experience embarrassment and fears of acceptance, but for some, this experience is much more acute. If you suspect that you have social anxiety, you do not have to manage it alone. Read on for tips and information about how social anxiety can be treated through mental health therapy.